
— A race that brags about expensive clothes that they wear, that are produced by another race.

— A race that brags about cars that they drive, that are manufactured by companies owned by another race.

— A race that brags about their houses that are financed by financial institutions owned by another race.

— A race that takes their kids to school to be taught by another race.

— A race that will celebrate their weddings in the style of another race.

— A race that has fully adopted a language and religion of another race.

— A race that will hate each other defending another race.

— A race that will get excited to work for another race.

— A race that the only freedom it has is the freedom to vote and not economic freedom.

— A race that will kill each other just to have a political position and be in office and not be in power.

— A defeated race is that race that is in a majority but its survival relies on the minority race.

The first step therefore is to make the black man come to himself; to pump back life into his empty shell, to infuse him with pride and dignity, to remind him of his complicity in the crime of allowing evil to reign supreme in the country of his birth.

(The passage above is said to be contained in Steve Biko’s book “I write what I like”. However when I read the book many years ago I can’t recall if I ever came across this passage; possibly the passage is contained in some of Biko’s unpublished works. But anyway, the passage speaks exactly of the mind that was Biko’s. – Victor Angula)

In the photo: Black Consciousness Movement leader Stephen Bantu Biko, popularly known as Steve Biko, who was killed by South African Apartheid operatives while in police custody on 12 September 1977.