
Shoprite Namibia’s regional administrative manager for the northern areas, Ms Sophia Nambahu has told local entrepreneurs to supply their products to the retail giant and have access to a wider market that consists of 22 Shoprite stores, 8 Checkers stores and 26 Usave stores countrywide.

Nambahu was speaking today at the “Buy Local, Grow Namibia” capacity building workshop in Oshakati.

The event which attracted close to 50 local business people was officially opened by Oshana Governor Elia Irimari on behalf of Industrialisation and Trade Deputy Minister Verna Sinimbo who didn’t attend.

The Ministry of Industrialisation and Trade, in partnership with the Namibia Trade Forum, UN Namibia, The Namibian Newspaper, Team Namibia and the Namibia Investment Promotion and Development Board have taken the step of running capacity building workshops tailor-made to help Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) and the informal sector better understand various requirements for local market access.

Nambahu told the entrepreneurs at the workshop that Shoprite is ready to give shelf space to any local supplier who has met their requirements.

“Even if you want to have your omungome sold at our shops, you can make and sell your omungome at Shoprite. You can use our ovens also,” Nambahu said.

She pointed out that all that the entrepreneur needs to do is to approach Shoprite’s shelf space buyer and provide details and product information.

“You have to show that your product is in demand, and your packaging must include everything like expiry date of the product, and the ingredients used in the product. You also have to provide 3 months bank letter, and founding statement of your company, then you will be listed on our suppliers list. To be listed it takes about two to three weeks, then you will be allowed to sell in Shoprite,” she said.

Other speakers at the workshop included officials from Namibian Standards Institute, GS1 Namibia, Namibia Agronomic Board, Development Bank of Namibia, and Namibia Investment Promotion Development Board.

In her welcoming remarks, Namibia Trade Forum CEO Ms Stacey Pinto said that: “This is our third stop. We want to see more Namibian products on retail shelves. We want to walk with you.”

In the photo: Shoprite Namibia northern manager Sophia Nambahu.
