
The recent past can testify that athletics gems of world standards can be found in the dusty streets of the many shanty towns and informal settlements of Namibia and in the dusty playgrounds of villages across rural areas.

The example of Christine Mboma and Beatrice Masilingi shed light on the potential which is hidden in the forgotten places far away from the sparkling lights of the capital city.

It is against this background that some people are busy prospecting, searching and digging for athletics gems which are hidden in the vastness of Ohangwena Region.

And of lately some people are proud to say that they have found one gem.

“Ohangwena region has finally gotten its gem polished and is ready to spark at the international arena to boost our hopes of qualifying for big events such as the Youth Olympics in Dakar Senegal,” says Mr Teofelus Moses, a coach and marketing officer for Ohangwena Athletics Club.

Moses is referring to a 16-year-old Simon Shifidi.

Shifidi, from Ondaanya village in Oshikango Constituency, schools at Ofifiya combined school, and is currently the 800m U/17 record holder for the Pupkewitz Championship.

“He is leaving no stone unturned as he is preparing to compete at the NWU Top 30 Championship in SA,” Moses states.

“Shifidi is the current hope of the region in Junior Middle Distance, an athlete who is ready to carry the flag of Ohangwena and Namibia in South Africa. He is more experienced in 800m to 1500m.

In order for Shifidi to start shining, someone needs to put on the light of his running career by buying him shoes. Just shoes, running shoes.

“He is ready to deliver, he is ready to conquer the world and he is ready to lift the Namibian flag high,” says Moses.

The shoes come at a cost of N$1,750.00. Moses can be reached at o812345300.

In the photo: Ohangwena’s young running prospect, Simon Shifidi, who has been running with old shoes.
