Like many Oshakati youngsters David Nalule left school in 1999 after failing to get over the hurdle of Grade 10.

David, better known as ‘Outlaw’, had no prospects for a better life after school. So that a bleak future stared him in the face.

But David, unlike most of his peers, set his sight on pursuing his passion.

“I realised at once that I have a talent for cutting hair,” he says. “In fact I started clipping hair in the year 1995 just using scissors while at Ombili Combined School.”

In the year 2002 he opened his first fully-fledged barbershop which he named ‘Genuine Salon & Barbershop’ situated in the main road next to PG Glass and opposite FNB Bank in Oshakati, where he has over the years attended to clients who include many celebrities such as Sunny Boy and Gazza.

By following his passion he avoided the paths of criminal activity, unemployment and hopelessness.

“My message to the youth is that you must work hard to earn a living, because what you have worked yourself you enjoy it without a problem,” he advises. “We live in a society where unemployment is so high that young people have nothing to do.

“But young people can consider going into this kind of business. I have trained many people who went away to start their own barbershops. People can contact me, and I will train them for free. As long as someone is serious.

“In this business we do earn enough. If you qualify and get experienced then you will get customers.”

David says although business is going well, there is still a need for government support. “We need loans to expand and improve our operations as a business, but our type of business is such that nobody will give you a loan. The people in authority don’t see the value in us.

“Barbershops and salons do contribute to the economy. We earn to support our families, send children to school and so on. If we could get support from government and from the big businesses then we will be able to provide employment to many people and contribute more to the society.”

IN THE PHOTO: Professional hair-clipper David ‘Outlaw’ Nalule in his Genuine Salon & Barbershop
