
Oshakati Town Council has begun with the servicing of 283 erven in Ehenye Extension 11.

The work which started in March 2022 is one of the town’s biggest projects in the current financial year with sewerage lines, storm water channels, roads and electricity connections to be done.

The construction of the sewerage mechanical installation at Evululuko Phase 2 and sewerage pumping lines have been already completed.

All this was said by the town’s Mayor Leonard Hango when he last week tabled the town’s budget for the financial year 2022/2023.

The mayor said that the construction of bulk water services at Ompumbu is at 80% completion stage, while construction of services at Onawa Extensions 5, 6, & 8 of water, roads and electricity is also at 80% completion stage.

An amount of N$3,5 million has also been budgeted for the construction of the town’s fire station.

In the photo: Members of the Shack Dwellers Federation of Onawa at the official handover of the keys to their houses by the Urban and Rural Development Minister.
