Good jealousy and bad jealousy

By Josefina Gabriel |

People are like fingers of a hand – some are short and others are longer. That means that people will not only differ in height or in weight but also in whatever other things they have.

In life some people will have more things, better qualities, and other characters more than other people.

As a result we tend to be jealous of those other people who have more of the things which we all want to have.

But there is good jealousy and bad jealousy.

Good jealousy is when you see someone who has the good things, the best qualities or something nice, and then you tell yourself that you’re also going to work harder, or to work on yourself more, so that you can also get what the other person has.

Good jealousy will motivate you to do better, to do more, and to improve your situation or change your position. Good jealousy is productive.

But bad jealousy is if you see someone who has the good things, the best qualities or something nice, and then you tell yourself that you’ll do whatever you can to bring down the person, to destroy the person, or to hate the person, or even to hurt the person.

Bad jealousy will make you feel bad for other people’s successes. Bad jealousy eats your heart, making you bitter and make you feeling hurt by someone’s success.

In the end you might just get to see that bad jealousy is the stumbling block on the way to your own success.

Therefore it’s better to turn your jealousy into a force to motivate you instead of a force that destroys your potential for success.

– Josefina Gabriel is a motivational writer, devout Christian and upcoming author. She can be reached at:
