Information and Communication Technology deputy minister Ms Emma Theofilus opened a school specifically catering to the ICT sector by sharpening children and providing them with skills necessary for the 4th Industrial Revolution.

The Oshana Secondary School of Computing opened its doors on 15 July 2022 with 29 learners (16 girls and 13 boys) and 6 teachers, and on 8 December 2022 it was officially opened by the ICT deputy minister in Oshakati’s suburb of Ekuku.

The school, described as one of its kind in Oshana and in the whole of Namibia, so far has physical structures of only four classrooms and a storeroom built at a cost of N$1,6 million donated by Rani Group, one of the biggest retail and wholesale companies in the north of Namibia.

The Ministry of Education has fitted the school with computers and accessories that cost N$700,000.

The school will be providing technological subjects, such as Computer studies, Design Technology, Technical Study B, English, Entrepreneurship, Life Science, Physical Science, Geography, Mathematics and other support subjects prescribed in the education curriculum.

Acting Principal of the school, Ms Elizabeth Kapolo, said that although the school only opened its doors in the middle of the year, as per the school’s self-evaluation the school is at level 3 in most key areas.

“However, the aim is to reach level 4,” Kapolo said.

“We are humbly requesting the Ministry of Education, other line Ministries and other stakeholders to kindly assist the school with necessary ICT equipment in order for us to reach level 4.”

In her acceptance speech, which was read on her behalf by Oshana Governor Elia Irimari, Education Minister Anna Nghipondoka thanked Rani Group for having established the first school of computing in Oshana.

“As the custodian of education in Namibia, the ministry of education is well aware that education must be seen as a joint venture, necessitating the effort and participation of different stakeholders, both private and public,” Nghipondoka said.

In the photo: Deputy ICT Minister Emma Theofilus and Oshana Governor Elia Irimari officially opening Oshana Secondary School of Computing. On the left (in a white shirt) is Mr Ali Dharani of Rani Group, while on the right (in pink) is Oshana education director Mrs Hileni Amukana.
