
Make your festive season a productive season

By Josefina Gabriel |

Every one of us has a season where certain things are to be done. There is a season to plant, and also a season to harvest good things in our lives.

If you’re young you do have the season to go to school or to learn something that will make you a productive citizen in future. And the time will come when you will be expected to be that productive citizen.

But each year we do get this season which is called a festive season. It’s an important season, although some people might not know how to make it a productive season or a season that adds value to their lives.

God made this season for us. As God made for us a day at the end of every week for us to rest from our work and dedicate all our time and effort on his service, he also made us a few weeks at the end of each year to rest from our work and instead focus on his work.

Now, what is God’s work?

God’s work is all the work that is bringing us closer to him. The festive season is the time to say ‘me and my family I will serve the Lord.’ This is why the festive season calls on us to be with our families.

God’s work also includes doing things that make us to be happy and joyful with other people. Giving other people gifts and sharing.

The festive season is also a time to have time to read the word of God, or to read good books, so that God will speak to us and give us the message for what we are expected to do in the next 12 months.

That is about your purpose. If you want to know your purpose, you have to listen to your maker. It’s by knowing the purpose of your life that you will be a productive person.

So that the festive seasons of your life give you an opportunity to receive and to reflect on your life’s purpose.

– Josefina Gabriel is a motivational writer, devout Christian and author of the book “Listen to your heart” published in 2022.