Development Bank of Namibia (DBN) Head of Marketing and Corporate Communication, Jerome Mutumba, has announced a donation of N$1 million to strengthen maternity facilities in outlying areas with construction of a maternity ward at Rupara Health Centre in Kavango West Region.

The region currently does not have a maternity ward. Rather an ordinary room at Rupara Health Centre is allocated to expectant mothers, and when that room is filled, mothers give birth in the general ward, or are referred to Kavango East.

There is an average of 22 births at Rupara Health Centre, monthly.

Speaking about the donation, Mutumba described it as an opportunity to materially give to the future through better health for mothers and their infants.

He explained that the combination of pre-natal and post-natal care would have the effect of reducing infant mortality.

He also mentioned that the facility would have an impact on the mental wellbeing of mothers.

Firstly, he said, the additional facilities would reduce the stress of giving birth in the general ward. Secondly, he said, there would be a reduction in referrals to Kavango East, so mothers would be able to have the support of their families.

Mutumba went on to challenge the private sector and parastatals to participate in projects with a high degree of development impact. The need is huge, he said, but by joining hands in the spirit of Harambee, all can make a material difference.

In the photo: Jerome Mutumba, DBN Head of Marketing and Corporate Communication (centre) and stakeholders in the Rupara Health Centre.
