
He is faithful

By Josefina Gabriel /

I like to say this that we always remember God when we are in problems but maybe it’s not actually a bad thing too, because he is always there for us as the carrier of our troubles and bearer of our pain.

He is caring and his grace is with us every time.

But the question is always there: what is it that separates us from him? Is it hunger, suffering, thirst or what could that possibly be?

Anyway he is always providing his love to us even though sometimes we tend to reject and ignore him.

Romans 8: 39 says “neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God.” Because God is faithful, even when you’re faithless he is just there for you.  2 Timothy 2: 13 says that even if we are not faithful, he remains faithful at all times.

The world has changed now and people change always, so that sometimes by telling someone your problems it will just bring up fire on the mountain. But you can do this in secret ways to find a solution or healing by yourself just by kneeling down and calling upon the name of one who is forever faithful and can always hear your cry.

Even if you’re a sinner and an outcast, if you turn to him and call upon him he will always hear your voice.

– Josefina Gabriel is a motivational writer, devout Christian and author of the book ‘Listen to your heart’ published in 2022.