The Pentecostal Protestant Church (PPC)’s national youth conference that started on 7 September ended this morning with a service that was preached by the church’s Onhanadi congregation’s Senior Pastor Frans Hangula.

The conference, which was the first of its kind in the church’s history, took place at Oshakati West.

Hundreds of youths from various congregations of the PPC in Namibia and southern Angola were in attendance.

During the Sunday service, that also marked the end of the conference, Hangula read the scripture of 1 Peter 5:5-9, which starts by saying: ‘In the same way you young people must submit to the older people. And all of you must put on the apron of humility …’

The preacher also read in the book of Jeremiah 6:16, which says that young people must ‘stand at the crossroads and look. Ask for the ancient paths and where the best road is. Walk on it, and you will live in peace.’

“We have read scriptures talking about the youth. The youth being advised, being told to obey,” Hangula said.

The pastor emphasized that being obedient is a good thing.

“Disobedience has consequences. Disobedience made people to lose their jobs. Adam and Eve were chased out of Eden because of their disobedience. Hell is made for disobedient people. And prisons are made for disobedient people on earth.”

Some other consequences of disobedience, the pastor said, are gender based violence and suicide.

The pastor also urged young believers of PPC to follow in the footsteps of their elders. “If you want to serve the Lord you must know where you are coming from, where you are, and where you are going. Don’t only carry the name of PPC while God is not in your heart.

“Your walking, how you wear and what you eat, it must show glory to God,” the pastor said.

He also said that young people of today are in big temptations.

“You are in the world of many things. Everyone wants wealth. As a result those young people who are not obedient, some become witch doctors, or false prophets, some become thieves.

“Some young women become prostitutes. Young men sell parts of their bodies, and become gays too so that they can become rich, all because of disobedience.

“Young man, is that what you want? To bend down for another man?”

The pastor called on believers to be different from people of the world. “We must proclaim and praise God with our bodies and minds.”

In the photo: Pastor Frans Hangula preaching at Oshakati West’s PPC congregation.
