Oshakati Town Council re-elected Mr Leonard Hango to serve as mayor of the town for a third consecutive year.

The election that took place on 6 November was presided over by Oshakati Magistrate Helena Ekandjo.

In his acceptance speech Hango said that serving Oshakati “is such an immense achievement for me. This is the town of so many opportunities which is alive with hope, a town with thousands of people who come here every year in pursuit of their dreams for a better life, a town that serves as the commercial centre of the entire northern part of Namibia, and that is how I describe Oshakati.”

Also re-elected back to their positions were the town’s deputy mayor Ms Puyeipawa Elifas, as well as the chairperson of the management committee Mr Hofni Mutota.

Ms Ruusa Magano Frans and Ms Maria Nelago Mutumbulwa were also re-elected as members of the management committee, with Mr Jerobeam Ndaamohamba and Mr Pinehas Aludhilu re-elected to remain ordinary members of the management committee.

“Although we may face some challenges in the midst of achieving our town’s vision, I want to continue to promise you that myself and my fellow councilors will work tirelessly to ensure that Oshakati remains a safe, inclusive, and thriving community for all its residents,” Hango said.

“We will focus on improving essential services, investing in infrastructure, and creating opportunities for economic growth and sustainable development. Environmental sustainability will continue to be at the forefront of our agenda. We will continue to explore new initiatives and implement policies that protect our town in various ways.”

In the photo: In the Council Chamber as Magistrate Helena Ekandjo presided over the election of Oshakati leadership.
