
Namibia Water Corporation (NamWater) has unveiled the few steps it has now taken in the efforts to exploit the abundant underground water wells beneath most areas of Ohangwena Region.

At an event held during the weekend in Eenhana the Minister of Agriculture, Water and Land Reform Mr Calle Schlettwein unveiled the plans and announced the actions taken so far by NamWater in order to bring an end to the scarcity of water in Ohangwena.

Schlettwein was accompanied at the ground breaking for the Ohangwena II Wellfield Water Supply Schemes (WSS) Project by NamWater CEO Mr Abraham Nehemia, Deputy Executive Director of the Department of Water Supply in the Agriculture Ministry Dr Elijah Ngurare and representatives from Element Consulting Engineers and Unik Construction Engineering.

Present were prominent members of the community, including the senior headman of Eenhana Tatekulu Efraim Weyulu, Eenhana Mayor Omri-Onn Kavandje, and Ohangwena Regional Chairperson Erickson Ndawanifa.

The project consists of activities of drilling boreholes in parts of the region in order to supply water to areas where this resource is needed, particularly the booming regional capital, Eenhana.

The project therefore aims to improve water supply infrastructure and ensure sustainable access to quality water for Eenhana Town and its neighboring communities. The project comes at a crucial time when population growth and industrialization in the region have heightened the demand for a reliable water supply.

Mr. Abraham Nehemia, Chief Executive Officer of NamWater, expressed his gratitude and enthusiasm for this significant development, by saying, “This project marks a significant milestone in our ongoing efforts to enhance water security and support sustainable development in the Ohangwena Region.

“Water is essential for life and the development of civilizations. By ensuring a reliable water supply, we are laying the foundation for socio-economic progress in the Ohangwena Region. This project will support growth, attract investment, and improve living standards.”

Ohangwena Governor Sebastian Ndeitunga in a speech read on his behalf by Ohangwena Regional Chairperson who serves also as the Omulonga Constituency Councillor, Erickson Ndawanifa, highlighted the importance of the project for the region’s development.

“The Ohangwena II Wellfield Project stands as a testament to our unwavering determination to address the pressing water demands of our region. Through careful planning and diligent execution, this project promises not only a reliable water supply but also hope for a brighter future.

“This groundbreaking ceremony marks a pivotal moment in our collective effort to enhance water supply infrastructure and uplift the livelihoods of our communities.

“Together, let us forge ahead with determination, resilience, and unity, knowing that our collective efforts today will pave the way for a brighter tomorrow.”

“Access to water is a basic human right, because without it life is not possible, nor is any livelihood possible,” Schlettwein said.

“The Namibian Government has always prioritized providing our citizens with sufficient water of the highest quality and quantity. Today, we gather to mark a significant milestone in a vital project. This project aims to add the Ohangwena Aquifer as the second primary source for the Northern Water Supply System, improving our ability to match the growing demand with additional supply capacity.

“With that, I hereby officially unveil the groundbreaking ceremony for the Ohangwena II Wellfield Project. Let’s march forward with dedication, in unity and with a shared vision of inclusivity.

“We have proven that a united people can together overcome any challenges we face such as water security and scarcity to build a better future for the future generation.”

The Ohangwena II WSS Project will involve equipping new and existing boreholes, installing a Reverse Osmosis purification plant, constructing brine disposal ponds, pump stations, pipelines, and reservoirs. This comprehensive initiative will significantly boost the region’s water supply capacity and ensure a sustainable and reliable source of clean water for the people of Ohangwena and beyond.

For years, Eenhana has relied on water supplied from Oshakati through Omafo, originating some 300km away from the Calueque Dam in southwest Angola via an open canal conveyance system.

While initially efficient, increasing demand from the Oshakati Treatment Plant has recently suppressed water reaching Eenhana.

In 2010, the Namibian government, in collaboration with the German Government’s Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR), conducted an investigation through the Department of Water Affairs, confirming significant water resources within the Ohangwena II Aquifer.

Element Consulting Engineers Pty Ltd is tasked with providing technical management while Unik Construction Engineering Pty Ltd provides construction services for the Ohangwena II Wellfield Water Supply Schemes (WSS) project, with funds totaling N$250 million.

In the photo: Agriculture, Water and Land Reform Minister Calle Schlettwein announcing the birth of the Ohangena 2 Wellfield Water Supply Schemes.
