God knows you better

God knows you better

God knows you better

By Josefina Ndeshi Gabriel |

Someone can say “don’t judge a book by its cover”. And this statement might contain a strong meaning.

The Bible says that God’s thoughts are not our thoughts. The thoughts of God who created you and created that other person, are totally different from our thoughts.

We may end up designing our own ideas about someone based on our thoughts or what we see. And the bad part is when you become too negative or too critical or judgemental about a person you don’t know, and so you finalize everything about him or her as you totally see his or her outer appearance or visible behavior.

And on the other side we tend to fool people with our outside appearance or pretentious behavior, and so people make judgements as they see us and tend to believe that they know us although we just pretend to be good but we are not.

If our hearts contain all the lies about ourselves and all that’s not us, the people will think that they know us but God who sees inside the heart is the one who knows us better.

You supposed not to take what doesn’t belong to you or to become who you’re not, because the colour you are trying to apply on you does not suit you because the God who made you gave you a certain colour and shape.

The way he made you he said that you’re perfect. If you think that you’re not perfect in his image, the best way is to allow GOD to continue his works on you; make him your friend and things will be not that heavy on your shoulders because he can help you carry them. He knows you better even than yourself.

God knows a person’s thoughts, character, intentions and plans. In other words, God doesn’t just know the book by its cover but also by its content.

Therefore be resistant to bad things, based on his word of life. Make him to deal with your responsibilities and guide you and never leave you to depend on your own wisdoms. Ask him the better ideas.

When you want to build your life, ask God for best ideas. Even when you think you know yourself and you know what you want, you may just be surprised to know that he knows you better.
