
Let’s vote and rekindle our democracy

By Victor Angula |

This 27th of November of the year 2024 is that moment again when we have to recharge our democracy, to rekindle the fire of our political self-determination which our forefathers fought for.

As a nation this is the only opportunity available to each and every one of us, rich or poor, to renew the contract that we have with our leaders, and with all those people who serve in government offices and state institutions.

If we are ever to have a right to the full menu in terms of human rights, economic rights and other social rights, it all starts with us as we exercise our political right of voting for our leaders and political representatives.

If we are to have a say in how this country will be governed in the coming five years and beyond, it all starts with us as we go to the polls to cast our votes.

Namibia will not be developed by people coming from somewhere else but by ourselves as we participate fully in the activities of our country.

And this participation starts with the simple and small act of casting a vote.

After we have voted we then have the power and authority to demand service delivery by those elected to lead us and elected to serve us. We elect them for the purpose of leading us out of poverty.

If we want to have the right to demand our leaders to work for the interests of the nation, to work for our interest at all times, this right is given force by ourselves when we vote.

After we have voted, that is when we can ask what our country can do for us. First, we have to do what the country is asking us to do for it, which is to go out in numbers and vote for any party and any candidate we want.

Democracy starts from the voting booth. Power belongs to the people, on election day, and after elections as we keep on demanding for our elected representatives to do what we want, to do what we voted them for.

So let us all go out and make history by making this election the beginning of popular participation in our politics, in our governance and in the affairs of our nation.

Or else foreigners, the very people who are not allowed to vote, will continue to be the ones benefiting from the resources of this country, while we the owners of the country continue to suffer from poverty and unemployment because we are not participating in the daily activities of our country.

  • Victor Angula is the editor of Omutumwa News Online.