Fifteen youths graduated today after undergoing an extensive 10-session training in entrepreneurship at the Sam Nujoma Multi-purpose Centre in Ongwediva.

The training was conducted by Namibia Chamber of Commerce and Industry (NCCI)’s Ongwediva Branch, in conjunction with the Sam Nujoma Multi-purpose Centre and the support of Ongwediva Town Council and the American Corner in Ongwediva.

NCCI’s Ongwediva Branch coordinator Mrs Ruth Shikongo-Heita facilitated the training sessions.

The ten sessions, which took place on Saturdays throughout the year, were: How to start a business, Marketing and market research, Customer service and professionalism, Bookkeeping, Costing and pricing, Budgeting, Product development, Production management, SWOT Analysis, and Business planning.

The graduation was the fourth of its kind, with the first having taken place in 2018 where 25 young people graduated.

With the pandemic of Covid-19 in full swing, the training did not take place in 2021.

But in 2022 the programme was back, culminating in the 15 graduating at the ceremony of today attended by Ongwediva Mayor Mr Taarah Shalyefu, Mr Shikongeni Ntinda who is the Chief Economist at the Ministry of Industrialisation and Trade’s Ongwediva Office, and Mr Salatiel Kaapangelwa who owns a business in Ongwediva known as Tulimekondjo.

Businesswoman Ms Anna Maria Abraham, a graduate of the first training in 2018, was also present and she gave a presentation motivating the new graduates.

Graduate Ms Loide Shekupe Uupindi gave a motivation presentation. Before the ceremony was closed off with a prayer by Reverend Josef Avia from Ongenga Parish.

In the photo: The graduates, with Ongwediva mayor in the front (centre) flanked by several invited guests. On the far left is Ms Vicky Joel of NCCI Ondangwa Branch, while Mrs Ruth Shikongo-Heita is on the extreme right.
