
Disempowering ourselves

By The Author [When My Mind is Liberated]

It is such a disappointment to read the comments some Namibians make on issues pertaining to national importance.

Many platforms on social media have given Namibians the opportunity to add, raid and even engage other readers on topics of community and national significance. Even the traditional newspapers have embraced the practice of instant reporting through new media platforms and handles.

The opportunity to connect with other people online has been such an empowering development for many people. Adding your voice and engaging in discussions that can bear fruit and enrich other readers, can only be a sign of seeking collective solutions to common problems.

Reading through online threads one can actually find intelligent discussions that you can apply in ones daily lives.

Some of the inputs are thought provoking and can prompt in-depth discussions and even individual research to confirm or contradict statements. Which I believe can be empowering in the long run.

But then you get the other Namibians… sigh.

There is nothing wrong with disagreements or having a different opinion regarding certain topics and issues. The Namibian constituency has given us the right to freedom of speech and expression, which shall include freedom of the press and other media; under Article 21: Fundamental Freedoms.

A right we at times misunderstand and deliberately misinterpret. We choose not to respect the same rights accorded to the next citizens and can be rude and at times inconsiderate of the next person’s point of view.  But some Namibians, hey… sigh.

Like I said, reading the comments people leave on threads boggles my mind to the extent that I question their purpose and ethical construct.  Does being rude an ultimate outlook of their lives and is it the only way for them to deal with community and national issues?

What personal gratifications do these people derive from belittling, degrading and totally disrespecting other people’s comments and inputs? How do they respond when similar derogative comments are directed to them? These questions are themselves very exhausting.

Eish, these Namibians… sigh.

We are given the power through social platforms to be part of the discussions and influence the national discourse yet we are unable to maximise and constructively contribute to community and national discussions.

We are given the opportunity to matter and be considered as resourceful people when issues of importance are discussed; we are in a position to become part of the solution and add value to our personal lives and that of family, friends, co-workers and the community at large.

But then you get the other Namibians… sigh.

Is it by design or just conscious actions that some Namibians are counterproductive to issues that do not directly benefit them?  Perhaps it is a cultured learning to be ignorant to other people’s realities and pain.

Is it because we only advance self entitlement and what is more important and beneficial to the self than take a more objective appreciation of collectiveness, solidarity and growth?

Some Namibians, hey… sigh.