By Martin Negumbo |

Oshakati Premier Electric (OPE) which has sole responsibility to provide electricity to the town of Oshakati and surrounding villages celebrated its 20th anniversary at the northern town.

OPE has been the electricity distributor to the northern town of Oshakati while its competitor NORED had taken up the responsibility to supply electricity to all the other northern towns.

Although OPE had for those years operated as a small distributor the company has been one of the best companies in the supply of electric power.

On 30 October OPE held an event to celebrate its achievements. The event which took place at a village called Oshandumbala outside Oshakati was attended by community members and leaders of institutions, traditional leaders and political leaders.

Minister of Mines and Energy Mr Tom Alweendo was the highest government official in attendance.

OPE took the minister and other dignitaries on a tour of areas around Oshakati which have recently been electrified, such as Onawa village, where Alweendo officially switched on the power.

After Onawa the convoy went to Pohamba location in the eastern part of Oshakati where electrical installations were in progress. The last stop was Oshandumbala village where big crowds had gathered to celebrate the 20th anniversary of OPE.

OPE chief executive officer Mr Nelson Sheya said in his speech at the occasion that community members should cooperate with OPE in giving way for vehicles especially trucks which carry loads of poles and power line cables for the supply of electricity to their areas.

OPE plans to supply electricity to villages near Oshakati such as Oshandumbala, Othingo, Onendongo and others.

OPE also has plans to venture into solar power supply.

In the photo: Mines and Energy Minister Tom Alweendo and Oshana Governor Elia Irimari and OPE CEO Nelson Sheya eating the OPE birthday cake.
