Consider God first

By Josefina Ndeshi Gabriel |

While we are young, we have too many things to do as our duties and responsibilities to make the world a better place for us and for everyone else; and all this needs us to acquire strength, knowledge, wisdom, and more grace.

This can teach you that you are not on your own at all, therefore you need the owner of the strength, knowledge, wisdom and grace to take over and control all that does belong to him as you live your life and perform all your duties and responsibilities on this earth.

So, by this way you need to invite Jesus Christ in your life to be your guide, protector, provider, director’ and through his mercy and love he will be there for you as you carry out your daily duties and responsibilities.

For this reason, you should let him be your first priority before you wake up and before sleeping. He must take over all activities in your life.

The love he proves to you when you need the strength, knowledge, wisdom and grace to carry out your duties and responsibilities is wonderful and is not easy to give or to show it to you, that he loves you at all times and still is showing it by protecting you and providing all you wish to have or wish to happen in your life.

Sometimes you can do what you like and what you want to do to fulfill your own selfish desires and you tend to ignore him and his commandments but after all he will hear your cry and forgive your sin.

Is that not wonderful love he has for us?

Through God who gave his only son to die for you because of the love he has for you that’s why you must consider him first in your everything.

The big disease in us is when we seem to have all we need and be satisfied with all he has blessed us with and forget him or ignore his voice or consider him as ordinary and believe that we can do all by ourselves; but it’s by his grace that we are here today.

Remember God never changes; he is not God of fashion and style. God is God for all seasons; he is God for yesterday, today and tomorrow, so don’t change or give up due to the situations in the world.

In whatever you do, keep him first, put him in all things and remember always your father and your creator will be there for you.
