The workers in Ohangwena under the NUNW banner joined their counterparts in other regions yesterday as they expressed their shock at the plans to liquidate the national carrier Air Namibia.

This they did when they marched to the office of their region’s Governor where they handed over a petition calling for the immediate withdrawal of plans to liquidate Air Namibia.

In a petition read by Mr Tomas Haihambo, the workers expressed their dismay at the way Air Namibia has been handled by the Cabinet, and especially by the Minister of Public Enterprises.

“We, the Namibian workers under the banner of NUNW are hereby submitting this petition to express and demonstrate our downright surprise by the oversight Cabinet decision to liquidate Air Namibia; the only airline which represents our self-importance as a sovereign country and people.

“We are shocked and disturbed by the degree of deception of the will of the people of Namibia, who are being disregarded and enslaved into economic dependence through alienation of their national assets of security.

“NUNW is infuriated by the inconsiderate action demonstrated by our leaders, who refuse to comply with the oath they took in accordance of Chapter 5 Article 30 of the Namibian Constitution; to uphold, protect and defend as the Supreme Law, the Constitution of the Republic of Namibia, and faithfully to obey, execute and administer the laws of the Republic of Namibia;

“To protect the independence, sovereignty, territorial integrity and the material and spiritual resources of the republic of Namibia, and to endeavor to the best of their ability to ensure justice for all the inhabitants of the Republic.

“NUNW is particularly perplexed by the conduct of Cabinet members who chose to disregard the will of the electorate by approving the liquidation of Air Namibia in direct disregard of Chapter 11 of the Namibian Constitution on the Principles of State Policy.

“The assets of Air Namibia are material resources and have material usefulness that is owned by Air Namibia and the Government of the Republic of Namibia, which is the sole shareholder.

“The discarding of these material resources through liquidation is nothing but daylight robbery and it is disheartening when this thievery affects national resources procured with public funds.

“The damage being caused to the economy of Namibia by the unjustifiable liquidation and absolute disabling of a Government structure of such resourcefulness, shall have permanent negative effect to the economic order and development in Namibia,” the 10-page petition said in part.

The Governor of Ohangwena Mr Walde Ndevashiya received the petition and forwarded it to the Office of the Prime Minister the same afternoon where it was received by Ms Saima Shaanika who is the Prime Minister’s Executive Personal Assistant.

In the photo: Distressed workers and concerned citizens marching to the Office of Ohangwena Governor.
