By popular demand, Rosatom has moved the deadline for the 6th annual competition of online videos to February 15, 2021.

The international competition dubbed “Atoms Empowering Africa” is calling on short-film makers aged between 18 to 35 residing in African countries, including Namibia, to participate by posting their 75-minute videos on Facebook according to the guidelines set.

The top three winning videos will be selected by an independent expert panel observing various criteria including original content and creativity, overall quality of the video and content, accuracy and relevance of technical content, as well as ability to clearly communicate the content to an audience.

The makers of the top three videos will be rewarded with an all-expenses paid trip to Russia, where they will get the opportunity to visit several of the country’s world-renowned tourist attractions as well as various nuclear institutions and advanced nuclear facilities.

Potential topics for videos are (but not limited to): How can nuclear technologies assist in achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs) in Africa or your country?; How can Nuclear technologies help developing countries industrialize?; How can non-power related nuclear science and technology benefit your country or community?; Nuclear in our everyday lives and Myths and fears about nuclear and how to overcome them.

Jury includes representatives of nuclear enterprises such as ROSATOM, Nuclear Power Plants Authority (NPPA, Egypt), media practitioners like Influence Communications (Egypt) and regional nuclear NGOs Women in Nuclear South Africa (WinSA), African Young Generation in Nuclear (AYGN) and Nuclear Corporation of South Africa (NESCA).

Over 5 years of running the competition, 51 winners received the accolades and prizes and one-third of them visited Russian nuclear facilities in Moscow, Obninsk, Tomsk, and Voronezh.

Competition’s details are available by email at: or by the link to online submission form
