
The Namibia Premier League’s Executive Committee sees the ruling in favour of the Namibia Football Association by the Court of Arbitration for Sport as a partial victory.

According to the NPL although the CAS’s Sole Arbitrator ruled in favour of the NFA by dismissing the case of NPL, the reading of the ruling gives the NPL a glimmer of hope for some form of relief on appeal.

In a statement issued by the NPL Exco under the chairmanship of Mr Patrick Kauta, the NPL says the following:

“The Namibia Premier League (NPL) this morning received the CAS arbitral award wherein its appeal filed on 16 March 2020 was dismissed.

“The NPL has noted the decision issued by the Sole Arbitrator, Professor Luigi Fumagalli, in particular where he affirms that the NPL’s suspension lapsed when the Namibia Football Association (NFA) failed to submit the suspension of the NPL at the 15th Extraordinary Congress of 09 November 2019, resulting in the conclusion that the NPL’s membership rights were restored and that it had the full right to be invited, participate and to attend the 28th Ordinary Congress of 22 February 2020.

“This has always been the basis upon which the NPL approached the CAS (16 March 2020) and the NPL is pleased that its legal position has been vindicated.

“The CAS arbitral award was forwarded to counsel for advice on possible appeal to the Swiss Courts with respect to the finding that any declaratory relief is ‘academic’.

“Pending that, we make no further comments herein.

“Notwithstanding, the NPL lost its membership rights in the NFA because of its expulsion at the 16th Extra Ordinary Congress of 18 July 2020. You will recall that this decision the NPL accepted in July 2020. Thus, its decision to incorporate in terms of section 21 of the Companies Act 28 of 2004 and subsequent application for a professional license pursuant to section 26 of Namibia Sports Act 12 of 2003, to the Sports Commission of Namibia.

“This application process remains pending with the Appeals Committee. A hearing of the Appeals Committee is schedule for 26 June 2021. Due communication is this regard will be issued at the appropriate time.”

This statement indicates that the NPL has no desire to return in the fold of NFA but rather will continue with its attempts at registering as an independent company. In addition it is still studying the ruling of the CAS to find a clear way forward accordingly.

In the photo: The logo of the expelled Namibia Premier League.
