The only programme in Namibia that provides grants to struggling enterprises during the turbulent times of Covid-19 is underway in Outapi, the regional capital of Omusati Region.

The programme known as “Pitching for Resilience” is being run by the SMEs Compete with the aim of providing grants to struggling businesses for them to make a swift and strong recovery from the negative impact of the pandemic.

The “rapid response grants” of between N$6,000 and N$60,000 are given to entrepreneurs who make a successful pitch to five adjudicators showing that their enterprises need the grant.

“The aim of the grant is to make your business resilient and sustain itself for the future for many years,” Ms Daniella Grunewald told a group of 20 participants in Outapi yesterday.

“But you must justify why you need the grant. We are here to guide you and to coach you how you will make your pitch to the adjudicators on Friday, so that your story will be convincing and make you deserving of a grant.”

The adjudicators are made out of bankers, public officials and business people, whose task is to evaluate the entrepreneurs according to their pitches in order to put a thumb of approval for those who really are in need of the support.

The financial support has been provided by the German Development Service GIZ which falls under the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development.

The programme has already run through most regions of Namibia, and it will wrap up all the activities by the end of the year.

In the photo: Some of the programme participants at Outapi being prepared for their pitching for resilience.
