Nothing can stop us

By Josefina Ndeshi Gabriel |

When life gives you wrong answers sometimes you might think of giving up on yourself and believe that you can’t do anything about your problems. But this is not true, but rather it’s a kind of mental disability of some kind you’re suffering from.

You made yourself a slave by carrying those heaviest burdens in your head, carrying thoughts of worry and negativity from day to day. It might be normal but sometimes it’s risky when you always have only negativity in your head, which then becomes a pressure cooker of your life which gives you mental disabilities.

Mental disabilities can stop you from doing anything useful with your life. Mental disabilities can stop you from solving your problems big and small. And mental disability can steal your joy. It’s mental disability which makes you to give up on your life.

Before all think about the person who doesn’t have legs, arms, or is visually impaired, and others with different disabilities. Now put yourself in their shoes and see if you will handle it if you can’t handle that which you have now without real disabilities?

But remember that people with physical disabilities are very unique and I like something about them because they are always kind, strong, free, joyful, confident and smart.

We end up forgetting that we have all and still screaming all day long about our problems thinking that ours are the only most highly abnormal problems someone can have.

You need to be inspired by these people with disabilities to stand again; sometimes they can even do better than you, they think better, try some sports, they are champions, role  models and very happy with a smile, something that you think you can’t do who has all parts of the body. If they can do it with their disabilities is it not easy to you with abilities?

Thoughts of fear, low esteem, laziness, weakness, bad luck, short temper, and impatience will never be your friends. Say NO to them because they create all sorts of disabilities for you.

So let us not allow the power of negative thoughts lead us everywhere we go. Say NO to negativities, and better know that nothing can stop you.
