
MIT’s clear mandate

By Elijah Mukubonda |

The Ministry of Industrialisation and Trade has a clear mandate which is to spearhead two very important sectors (namely – Industrialisation and Trade), which are not only wide in scope but also very critical for the realization of the national socio-economic development goals of our country.

The title of the Ministry is short and precipitous – Industrialisation and Trade (fondly known as MIT).

The Ministry is charged with the responsibility to develop and manage Namibia’s economic regulatory framework, promote economic growth and development through the formulation and implementation of appropriate policies with the view to attract investment, increase trade, develop and expand the country’s industrial base.

The Ministry has indeed paved a good path to charge on its mandate with dedication and commitment toward the execution of national documents – the Harambee Prosperity Plans and National Development Plans (NDPs) for realization of Vision 2030.

MIT continues to implement key programmes aimed at contributing towards economic development and job creation including various interventions supported by key polices and regulatory framework relating to industrialisation and trade.

Our continual recurring theme of “Growth at Home” concept, strategy and initiative underpins the importance of accelerating economic growth and increasing employment. It places greater emphasis on the significance of industrialisation by strengthening national value chains and creating more efficient linkages within the economy, improvements in the ease doing of business and ongoing engagement of collaboration between Government and private sector.

In the area of industrial development, significant gains have been made towards identifying and funding sector growth strategies.

The Industrial Upgrading and Modernization Programme (IUMP) also yield positive results following the successful funding provision to various enterprises across the country. Amending legislations to allow business operations, especially much needed services to our people.

As well as embracing the utilization of ICT amidst the fourth industrial revolution, to modernize processes while moving towards becoming paperless.

The operationalisation of the Integrated Client Service Facility or one-stop-shop whose aim is to improve the Ease of Doing Business in Namibia through streamlining the procedures of starting a business in the country; faster work visa and work permit processing; e-service delivery globally, efficient business, tax, employer and employee registration; and scalable to include other permit or license registrations.

In relation to trade promotion, policy and agreements, Namibia continues to forge and maintain partnerships both at regional, continental and global level in safeguarding that Namibian products find market space by ensuring a conducive trading environment.

The Ministry has continued to represent Namibia at the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA), wherever trade (trading of goods and services) is involved; the Ministry of Industrialisation and Trade has a crucial role to play, either to facilitate or to create a free trade bloc.

In terms of market development and market adaptation for Namibian products – Namibian beef was granted eligibility status into the USA market under AGOA dispensation. The sought-after beef entered the US markets after 18 years of extensive negotiations between the two countries.

The Ministry has also been promoting a charcoal Sector Growth project to contribute to the inclusive and sustainable industrial development of Namibia. This has been achieved through harvesting raw products, unprocessed or semi-processed products, and charcoal is one of the products for the project.

— Mr Elijah Mukubonda is Chief Information Officer at the Ministry of Industrialisation and Trade.
