
Ohangwena region will be sending a strong team of athletes to the Pupkewitz Athletics Championships taking place in Swakopmund from 20 to 23 December.

The team of 28 boys and 30 girls will be made up of young athletes from various schools across Ohangwena Region.

Mr Teofelus Moses, the marketing and logistics manager of Ohangwena Athletics Club called on schools and parents to help in preparing their athletes in readiness for the competition taking place after exams, as well as the provision of the fees for transportation, accommodation and food.

The athletes are:

(Boys) Jonas Josef, Nambuli Josef, Dumeni Andreas, Festus Nghimufe, Shekudja Patrik, Shifidi Simon, Hangula Elifas, Kasheendwa Festus, Hamupadi Simeon, Nepwanga Petrus, Shikongeni Sem, Kaanduka David, David Vilho, Haindongo Joram, Hamundja Timoteus, Haihambo Silas, Hishoongele Jesaya, Musheko Filipus, Kambalala Stefanus, Iixuxwa Aron, Kamhulu Hendrick, Gideon Helarick, Shooya Elia, Nghinamunhu Jason, David Josef, Newaka Jason, Hamutenya Michael, Haulumbu Natanael.

(Girls) Epifania Johannes, Nghidishange Hendrina, Kakede Tresia, Kalola Elizabeth, Haikwiyu Secilia, Shikongo Saarah, Festus Martha, Mwalimwatya Muudeni, Haindongo Patemoshela, Petrus Ester, Hamutenya Johanna, Titus Peneyambeko, Nghishoongele Ndakulilwa, Silas Hendrina, Shapange Linea, Joel Martha, Haunyondjo Vistorina, Hauwanga Angelina, Shikovelo Indileni, Johannes Laudika, Mwapotele Lavinia, Ndeshihafela Hamutenya, Nghidishange Heralia, Kapaiwa Nghiimodino, Ngonga Ndilimeke, Hiyonanye Maria, Puleinge Klaudia, Haufiku Linea, Johannes Sarafina, Teofelus Christine.

Team manager for boys: Shikongo Leopold Shikongo

Team manager for girls: Emilia Andreas

Coach: Edward Kapewasha.

In the photo: Some of the young stars of Ohangwena during a previous championship.
