
AEM-Technologies JSC, a branch in Petrozavodsk, Russian Federation, has completed a pre-assembly of housings of reactor coolant pump sets (RCPS) designed for the Tianwan NPS, Unit 7, People’s Republic of China.

AEM-Technologies JSC is a member of Aomenergomash, Mechanical Engineering Division of Rosatom State Corporation, and Karelian regional office of the Russian Mechanical Engineering Union (SoyuzMash).

RCPS internals, particularly guide vanes, were assembled earlier, upon which those were connected to flanges.

According to the company the design was placed inside a spherical housing and appropriate circumferential weld performed afterwards.

Meanwhile, the assembly with the sphere has been accomplished for all four RCPS housings of the Tianwan NPS.

An RCPS housing is a Safety Class one product.

Tianwan NPS is the largest object of the Russia-China economic cooperation located in Lianyungang City, Jiangsu Province, China.
