
Khomas Region’s Netball team won The Namibian Newspaper Cup after defeating Erongo today afternoon in the final of a competition that took place at Oshakati Independence Stadium.

The competition which took place from 26 August in the northern town of Oshakati, in Oshana Region, saw Under 20 netballers from all the 14 regions battling it out for top honors.

But it was Khomas who faced Erongo in the final match which ended with a score-line of 24-31 in favour of Khomas.

Luise van der Westhuizen was named the Player of the Match and received a cheque of N$250.

With the win, Khomas got the trophy, gold medals and a cheque of N$30,000. Erongo took silver medals and a cheque of N$15,000.

Omusati region came third in the competition and received bronze medals and a cheque of N$9,000.

Khomas’ coach Viva Kamberipa’s mission was therefore accomplished.

In the photo: Khomas Netball team celebrating their achievement.
