The Top Score Oshiwana 7-a-side soccer tournament of 2022 has attracted a record 80 teams for the competition taking place from the 18th until the 21st August at Embandu Stadium outside of Oshakati.

At the launch tonight in Oshakati of the tournament that was started in 2018, Top Score’s brand manager Mr Shawapala Kandjambanga said that this is the seventh time for them to be in Oshana region.

“This year’s tournament is special, because the brand of Top Score has turned 40 years. For us this is a milestone to turn 40 years,” Kandjambanga said to the gathering of representatives of teams which have registered to take part in the tournament.

“Top Score is a leading maize meal brand in Namibia because of you the consumers who love this brand.”

The draw was also made at the same event that took place at Oshandira Lodge, where all 80 teams were divided into eight groups of ten teams each. Winners of each group will progress to the quarter finals, where winners will go to the semi-finals, until the last two who will play the final match on 21 August.

In the photo: Top Score’s brand manager, Mr Shawapala Kandjambanga, and the Top Score Oshiwana trophy.
