Namibia Statistics Agency (NSA) reported a week ago that Namibia has imported tomatoes worth some 24 millions of Namibian dollars from other countries in May, although the Namibia Agronomic Board (NAB) came forward to say that that is not true.

However there is Okashakati Farm, a horticultural farm situated 35 kilometres from Okongo on the way to Olupale village, which also produces tomatoes.

Okashakati Farm produces tomatoes, green pepper, onions, spinach, chili, cabbages and maize.

Okashakati mostly supplies its produce to settlements and villages in the vicinity of Okongo.

“The market is hungry, especially street vendors are buying from us. Our produce is always fresh and in demand,” says the manager of Okashakati Farm Mr Shikonda Leader.

Okashakati Farm is reachable at 0818365103 by calling or Whatsapp or by SMS. Their email is:

In the photo: Mr Shikonda Leader was seen here at Ohangwena Agri-Food ConfEx in August.
