It’s such an important thing for one to be proud of his or her mouth.

In fact being proud of one’s mouth is not only something specific to gossipers and loose talkers, but it’s also something that has an effect on one’s happiness and wellbeing.

For that, this year’s Oral Health Awareness Week’s theme is “Be Proud of Your Mouth for Your Happiness and Wellbeing”.

In order to kick off the activities of the week, dentists and other oral health practitioners in Oshana gathered for an early morning event at Oshakati Intermediate Hospital, where they were joined by some colleagues in the profession who came from Omusati and Oshikoto as well as several invited guests from the community.

Reverend Justina Haipinge, Oshakati Hospital’s chaplain, opened the event with a prayer, and Dr. Afro-Latin S. Namakalu, the regional dentist for Omusati region, was the master of ceremony.

While the event was delayed by the late arrival of Oshakati West’s Councilor Aram Martin who was the keynote speaker on behalf of the Governor of Oshana, all speakers gave short speeches instead of being proud of their mouths on this occasion.

Dr. Josephine Kanyama, the acting senior medical officer for Oshana, welcomed the guests and thanked them for their participation in the oral health activities of the week.

Dr. Sakaria Mwiiyale, a chief regional dentist, gave a brief background of the oral health week. “The Oral Health Week worldwide is celebrated on 20th March, but in Namibia we celebrate it in the week of 12 September,” Dr. Mwiiyale said.

Dr. Elizabeth Hausiku-Elago (a dentist and intern curator) made the closing remarks and a vote of thanks.

The Unam Choir was there to provide entertainment at the event.

The week’s activities will then consist of school visits by dental health professionals to Klein Kuppe Private School in Ongwediva and English Medium Private School at Okaku kaNangula, before returning to Oshakati Intermediate Hospital later in the day.

Day Two of the week will consist of an oral healthcare education and basic oral screening by dental healthcare professionals at Yetu Complex in Oshakati, while these same activities would take place in Ongwediva at Maroela Complex on Day Three, at Ondangwa Town Council on Day Four, and at Oluno Correctional Facility in Ondangwa on Day Five.

In the photo: Reverend Justina Haipinge opening the Oral Health Week with a prayer.
