Water Engineering Africa (WEA) launched a mobile solarpowered water transfer pump which would help cut costs for agro-producers, especially those in the horticulture sector along the water canal and Etaka in Omusati region.

The pump would also be useful for those who have gardens near the oshanas in Oshana region. But those along the river in Kunene and Kavango West and East regions would also be big beneficiaries.

The pump which was launched in Oshakati at the Namwater canal, near Ompumbu Location, on 29 August, was made and manufactured by Water Engineering Africa, a company based in Oshakati which provides expert services to individuals and institutions in order to harness the infrastructural development of municipal, agricultural and oil industries in Namibia and across the borders.

The launch which was attended by Oshana Governor Elia Irimari and Oshakati Mayor Leonard Hango was the official occasion to bring the product to the market.

Mr Tangeni Nghiwewelekwa, the Water Engineering Africa managing director, explained that the water pump, which would cost a buyer some N$85 000, will transform the agronomic sector, helping improve food productivity be it on a small scale or large scale.

Oshana Gover Elia Irimari said he was excited by the new innovation by Water Engineering Africa in coming up with a solarpowered water pump.

“Our small scale farmers have been challenged by diesel powered machinery, especially with increasing fuel prices,” Irimari said. “But with this 320 watt solar plant, farmers have an opportunity to use solar powered machineries to pump water to their farms and projects and not depend on electricity.

“Agriculture has potential to create employment and improve living conditions of our people.

“So I have to applaud WEA for this highly innovative initiative. Especially we have to feel proud that those of our food producers along the canal will now use this solar powered pump, designed in Oshakati.”

In the photo: Oshana Governor Elia Irimari washing his hands after WEA project engineer Mr Thomas Elon Shilongo did the product demonstration of the mobile solar powered water transfer pump.
