
Youngsters from Outapi and surrounding villages had displayed just the meaning of ‘Independence’ by falling over each other in grabbing whatever food they could lay their hands on at the Independence Celebrations that took place on 21 March in this northern town that was accorded the privilege to host the national event.

While most of the food grabbers were children and some youths, a few adults were also in the mix.

In attendance at the event were top government officials from central, regional and local levels across the country, leaders of various traditional authorities, as well as ordinary people who came in their thousands from far and near.

President Hage Geingob was the main speaker on the day meant to celebrate Namibia’s achievement of independence.

Having gained independence from Apartheid South Africa on 21 March 1990, Namibia has not done as much as would have been expected of a country with vast natural resources but with a small population of 2, 5 million people.

Had it not been for the generous social safety net provided through old-age pension grants, GIPF benefits, war veteran benefits, disability benefits, and orphans and vulnerable children monthly grants Namibia would have been one of the hungriest nations on the African continent.

In the photo: Omulunga Radio captured the iconic ‘independence food’ image of a young man eating while on his feet on 21 March 2023 in Outapi.
