The King of Ondonga Tate Fillemon Shuumbwa Nangolo has allocated a 50 hectares of farming land to the children of the liberation struggle through their Namibian Exile Kids Association (NEKA).

The land is meant to allow the unemployed children of the liberation struggle to produce crops and vegetables, to create employment for themselves, and contribute to food production in Namibia.

A delegation of the national and regional leaderships of NEKA consisting of Mr Onesmus Nanyeni, Ms Eunike Nghikembwa, Mr Sebastian Namupala, Ms Rachel Shilomboleni and Mr Willem Amutenya paid a courtesy visit to the Ondonga Palace on Saturday the 25th of March 2023 to invite Tate Shuumbwa to the reunion of the children of the liberation struggle scheduled to take place at Omutsegondjamba in Oshikoto region on 8 April 2023.

During the meeting with the King the delegation expressed the challenges that the now-grown up children of the liberation struggle have been experiencing during the years of Independence, amongst them being unemployment, poverty and homelessness.

In his response Tate Shuumbwa reiterated the need to inculcate in them the culture and tradition which should serve as the best compass to direct their journey and survival.

However the King had a big surprise for the children of the liberation struggle. He told them that he was giving them a 50 hectares farm for them to get into agribusiness and sustain themselves.

“We really appreciate our King for his generosity and willpower to support the children of the liberation struggle,” said Onesmus Nanyeni.

“This is our first land, the first land in our custody, a place that we can all call home. We now have a home in the name of our umbrella body called NEKA.”

In the photo: King of Ondonga Fillemon Shuumbwa Nangolo.
