Athletics Namibia 5th Grand Prix Leg was successfully hosted at Oshakati on Saturday the 4th March 2023 in the Oshana Region.

The one-day event at the Oshakati Independence Stadium saw a total number of 92 female athletes and 198 male athletes participating in the competition.

The athletes were drawn from 30 athletic clubs such as Athletics Development Club, Cheetah Athletics Club, Epupa Rapids Athletics Club, Golden Cheetah AC, Kakadhinwa Athletics Club, Kandume Omuthiya AC, MA Legitimate Fitness, Namib Lions Athletic Club, Namibian Correctional Service, Namibian Police AC, Namibian Police Oshana, NUST Welwitschia 77 AC, Ohangwena Athletics Club, Olupale Athletics Club, Onguti Athletics Club, Ongwediva Run Along Multi-DSC, Oshakati Athletics Club, Oshikuku Athletic Club, Ouhongo Athletic Club, Outapi Rockets AC, Petro Atletico de Luanda, Quinton Steele Botes AC, Soweto Athletic Club, Sunshine Athletic Club, Swakop Striders AC, Tsumeb Athletics Club, Unam Athletics Club, Utokero Athletic Club, Welwitchia Athletics Club  and Zion Athletics Club.

The various athletics events that athletes took part in ranged from 200 Meter Dash for both Women and Men, 3000 Meter Run for Women, 5000 Meter Run for Men, Shot Put for Men, Long Jump for Men, Discus Throw for Women, 1500 Meter Run for Women, 1500 Meter Run for Women,400 Meter Run for Men, 400 Meter Run for Women, Women Trip Jump, Men Javelin Throw, 100 Meter Dash for Women, 100 Meter Dash for Men, Men 800 Meter Run, Women 800 Meter Run, 4×100 Meter Relay, Women 800 Meter Run, Women 4×400 Meter Relay and the Men 4×400 Meter Relay respectively.

In the photo: Dashing for national honors (photo by Theresia Nambabi).
