Namibia’s High Commissioner to Tanzania H.E. Lebbeus Tangeni Tobias had an engagement meeting today in Oshakati with Oshana region’s political and business leaders with the aim of creating a way for the region’s entrepreneurs to go over to the east of Africa country for business purposes.

Tobias told a group of close to twenty people who attended the meeting that Kilimanjaro Region, with a population of 1,6 million people, is a region with lots of opportunities for business.

“Tanzania has everything. It’s just for you to get there and look which business is best for you to invest in,” Tobias said. “You can partner with locals there, or you can choose to set up your business alone.”

Tobias said that Tanzania, a country of 61 million people, is a hive of activity. “African women especially there know how to do business. They are for ever busy. Young people are just doing business. Even people with degrees, masters degrees, they are into business, into food industries and they are making money out of it. For Tanzania food security is a priority.”

Oshana Governor Elia Kaulifewangali Irimari thanked the High Commissioner for making time out to come to Oshana with this good news.

“We have heard a lot about Kilimanjaro, the mountains,” Irimari said. “Now we are hearing about the opportunities to make money there.”

Oshana region of Namibia and Kilimanjaro region of Tanzania have a cooperation agreement that seeks to find areas of mutual benefit.

“It’s a two way traffic,” H.E. Tobias pointed out, “Namibians can go over there and invest in Tanzania, and Tanzanians can also come down here and invest in Namibia.”

In the photo: H.E. Lebbeus Tangeni Tobias and Governor Elia Irimari engaging with Oshana stakeholders.
