
Oshana region came together today to observe the World No Tobacco Day under the theme ‘We want food … not tobacco’.

The event that took place in Oshakati brought together mostly health workers, but also members of the public and members of the police force and members of the correctional service.

Deputy health minister Dr Esther Utjiua Muinjangue was the keynote speaker.

But first it was Chief of Uukwambi Traditional Authority Tatekulu Ndilimani Herman Iipumbu who delivered a message from his traditional authority.

Even before that a motivational speech was delivered by Mr King George Haimene, and a poem was recited by Ms Helena Thomas, and Mr Isaac Pondo Nailenge narrated how he quit smoking.

And even before that it was Oshakati’s deputy mayor Ms Puyeipawa Eliphas who welcomed everyone to the occasion.

The M4 Live Band & Friends and Ondjondjo Cultural Group provided entertainment at the World No Tobacco Day which is observed on 31 May every year since the year 1948.

The day was proclaimed by the Unite Nations General Assembly to be a day where government institutions and other stakeholders across the world are expected to raise awareness about the dangers of tobacco smoking.

In the photo: From right, Oshakati Deputy Mayor Ms Puyeipawa Eliphas, Uukwambi Chief Tatekulu Ndilimani Herman Iipumbu, Okatana Councillor Mr Edmund Ishuwa, Deputy Health Minister Dr Esther Muinjangue, Oshakati East Councillor Abner Shikongo, and Oshana Health Director Ms Johanna Haimene.