
Many people had to look and wonder as a group of women in their horokhoes made their way through streets of Oshakati and Ongwediva.

As a way of connecting to their cultural roots, Damara women living in Oshana are also in on the movement to revitalise, modernise, and fashionise the Damara dress, known as ‘horokhoes’.

The Horokhoes Movement has this year been seeing to it that Damara women in towns spread across Namibia come together in their town to ‘launch’ the horokhoes and make it attractive to the younger generation.

In the photo is Maria Geises, seen proudly wearing her horokhoes in Ongwediva. Maria was part of a group of 20 women from various towns in Oshana region who came together to celebrate the more than 100 years old horokhoes dress.
