Oshakati Town Council has passed a resolution on 30 August 2023 to write off all interests accumulated and owed by residents and institutions on their municipal service accounts.

The programme, announced yesterday by the town’s chief communications officer Ms Katarina Kamari, will run for a period of ten months.

“Effective from September 2023 until June 2024, no interests will be charged on all municipal accounts,” Kamari said. “This decision was taken by Council to encourage all account holders to be able to honour paying their municipal services and allow all clients with accounts in arrears to be able to pay off their debts.”

Kamari stated that the waiving of interests on accounts is also applicable to all municipal accounts including residential, schools, businesses, non-profit organization, community based organisations, churches, government and parastatal institutions.

“Last year the Council took a decision to waiver interests accumulated on pensioners accounts and from time to time Council have been receiving requests from customers who owe Council for this decision to be applicable to all account holders and not only pensioners,” Kamari said.

“Council then took this decision following these requests and considering the global economic downturn that has severely affected the local economic development activities in town which resulted in some of the local business establishments having to close down.”

Kamari pointed out that residents and institutions owe the Town Council as much as N$80,2 million.

“These debts are increasing every month due to non-payment. Residents are therefore urged to honour their municipal accounts as revenue collection of the town is very important, as it permits development in town.”

Oshakati has assumed a new identity, one that is geared towards making it a sustainable commercial centre of the north. The town has also enlisted the services of Redforce Debt Management cc to assist in collecting money owed to the Council.

In the photo: Oshakati Mayor Mr Leonard Hango when two weeks ago he unveiled the new brand for Oshakati.
