By Victor Angula /

A war of words erupted immediately after the Sunday service that marked the end of the recently-held National Conference of the Youth of Pentecostal Protestant Church (PPC).

The youth conference which was held for the first time in the history of the Church was organised by the PPC National Youth Council, and was held at the PPC Oshakati West congregation, where hundreds of youths from across Namibia and southern Angola were in attendance.

The theme of the conference was: ‘You are the light of the world’ Matt. 5:14.

While the conference was a huge success and no notable issues were observed, there were some people who expressed their dismay over my reporting during the conference.

Of particular concern for them was an article I wrote, titled “PPC youth’s conference starts with teachings on day 2” which was published on 8 September 2023.

The article contained a paragraph stating: “Since some of the female members of the youth of Oshakati were assigned the duty of preparing the conference’s lunch, the rest didn’t bother to turn up at their own church where others who have travelled from other places across the country were gathered.”

As a result on Monday afternoon Mr Santos Domiao, who is the Chairman of the PPC’s National Youth Council, posted a message on the WhatsApp group ‘PPC Local Youth Leaders’ where I was also a participant:

“Although I am a bit disappointed by Brother Victor (Oshifo PPC) for Omutumwa newspaper reporter, for reporting false news on their newspaper. This should be the first and last to report on any of our activities without our permission. Please let’s work for God in truth,” he said.

A flurry of comments followed, with some demanding that I must apologise for spreading false information. Domiao particularly wanted me to explain the fact as to “who assigned” the youth of Oshakati to the kitchen.

On my part I couldn’t see any information which was false in the article, and therefore I responded to the comments accordingly by saying I can’t see any fault on my side – rather the fault was on their side, for knowing very well that the youth of Oshakati were not in the church at certain points during the conference, but they were saying things to the contrary.

A few hours later I was removed from the said WhatsApp group.

It was only on 13 September 2023, when I called Mr Domiao, did I get to understand what the issue was all about.

Domiao explained to me that he was not trying to fight any one or defend any side, but his dismay came from the fact that the said article created an impression that the youth of Oshakati were assigned by the Youth Council to perform the duties at the kitchen during the conference.

Which then created the impression that if the youth choir of Oshakati was not at the church at some point during the conference, it was the fault of the Youth Council which had assigned some of their colleagues to the kitchen.

Domiao stated that the Council had assigned several women from the PPC Women Department to perform the duties at the kitchen during the conference, and therefore the youth of Oshakati who were seen helping out at the kitchen were not assigned by anybody but took the initiative by themselves.

On my part I explained to him that as the writer of the article my impression was that everybody who performed any duty at the conference, such as teaching, preaching, and cooking, was assigned to do so by somebody, possibly somebody in the Youth Council.

It has now therefore come to my knowledge and understanding that the female members of the Oshakati Youth Choir who were seen cooking and serving at the kitchen during the conference were not assigned by anybody.

And therefore any impression created by the article was unintended, unfortunate and regrettable.

In the photo: Mr Santos Domiao in the middle, flanked by members of the PPC National Youth Council. In front row on the right are former Council secretary Marianne Cambiete and former Council Chairman Jacques Solomons.
