The Pentecostal Protestant Church (PPC)’s youth conference today started with teachings in the morning but the gathering got steam only towards afternoon when the sessions turned to praise songs and choirs.

Although the day was somewhat dampened by the no-show of the youth of Oshakati, who ironically are the host of the event, the spirit of those present slowly took off during the last hours of the morning service.

Since some of the female members of the youth of Oshakati were assigned the duty of preparing the conference’s lunch, the rest didn’t bother to turn up at their own church where others who have travelled from other places across the country were gathered.

The youth who gathered at the PPC’s Oshakati West congregation church came from congregations in places such as Greenwell Matongo in Windhoek, Luderitz, Okandjeke, Oshiziya, Onhanadi, Rundu, Ondangwa, Ruacana and Outapi, as well as Evululuko in Oshakati East and Calueque in Angola.

Apostolic Faith Mission (AFM)’s Oniiwale congregation’s youth were also represented.

In the photo: PPC Rundu-Kehemu Youth Choir.
