The Pentecostal Protestant Church (PPC)’s Santa Clara congregation’s youth choir had travelled a long distance just so that these youths in the neighbouring country would attend the first ever national youth conference of the PPC church.

The conference which took place at the Oshakati West’s PPC congregation over the weekend was a gathering of young people from the church’s congregations across Namibia and southern Angola.

In the end when the conference came to an end the youths who came from the settlements of Calueque and Santa Clara, as well as the town of Ondjiva, in Angola’s Cunene Province, did not only go back to their country with the teachings and the preachings which were on offer at the three-day conference, but they also took along with them a trophy.

The trophy was given to them for their energetic performance during the choir singing sessions. Although the group was primarily a Santa Clara Choir, some youths from Calueque were also on board to help deliver electric performances during the conference.

The next PPC National Youth Conference will be held in Rundu, at PPC Tuhingireni congregation, on a date yet to be announced.

In the photo: Some of the youths of PPC in Angola’s Cunene Province posing with their trophy inside the church at Oshakati West.
