A two days consultative workshop aimed at providing a review to the National Policy on Disability as well as initiating amendments to the Persons with Disabilities Act today started in Oshakati.

More than 50 people, most of whom are representatives of organisations and institutions of people with disabilities in the regions of Oshana, Omusati, Ohangwena and Oshikoto, are attending the workshop organized by the National Disability Council of Namibia.

“The Government of Namibia, through the National Disability Council of Namibia, decided to review the outdated National Disability Council Act, of 2004, and the National Policy on Disability of 1997,” said Oshana Governor Elia Irimari in a speech read on his behalf by the Oshakati West Councillor Abner Shikongo.

“This is in order to harmonise and align its disability legislative frameworks to its regional, national and international human rights obligations as well as at the same time to address the issues pertaining to the needs and rights of persons with disabilities to eliminate barriers that hinder the effective and full participation of persons with disabilities in the Namibian society.”

Mrs Angelique Philander, the chief executive officer of the National Disability Council of Namibia in her opening address said that Namibia takes the issues of disabilities seriously.

“It is therefore important to have legislative frameworks which speak to the current needs of persons with disabilities,” Philander said.

“I therefore urge all persons with disabilities to participate in this [legislative review] project. We need all your views and input to include them in this document.”

The new legislation will also make provision for the establishment of the Trust Fund for Persons with Disabilities.

Ms Jessica Gawachab, the project manager at the National Disability Council of Namibia, said that the process of consultation around the country will be completed “by end of this financial year for the document to be submitted to our line minister for taking up to parliament level.”

In the photo: The consultative meeting on laws for people with disabilities.
