
Practicing the culture of humanity – Becoming a volunteer

By Anelie Petrus – The Beehive Girl /

Ready or not, December is already here.

Just how did we get here?

It seems like the year went by so quick. I hope the vision boards which we created at the beginning of the year are not only acting as white elephants on our walls.

One item on the vision billboards of this year for most of us was a desire to volunteer, to volunteer our time, our energy and our efforts to make the world a better place for everyone.

Did you know that over 1 billion people volunteer worldwide? According to Sri Lanka leads the volunteering list with 46% of the population volunteering their time for one cause or another.

Points of Light is the world’s largest organisation dedicated to volunteer services.

Apart from being the adventurous Oshiwambo girl going around with a mic, camera, book and pen as I collect lessons from great story tellers in this beautiful land of the brave, I should say that my energy levels are fueled up by the continuous love and consistency of doing the things which I value the most.

Growing up in a community with so many challenges I was lucky enough to have learned from a young age that we should see these circumstances as project opportunities and not just as problems.

I felt in love with the idea of turning the challenges into projects and this is when I started volunteering.

My role model has always been my grandmother, known as Auntie Mary in her community. She always had great love for children and devoted her time to community services such as the Sunday school. For Auntie Mary her life revolves around the “ask not what your people can do for you but what you can do for your people”.

Ask anyone about OB Street in Mondesa. Anyone who grew up in Swakopmund will tell you about the beautiful memories created during our childhood days as a result of the volunteering efforts of Auntie Mary.

“Ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country,” is a quote that became one of the very important words towards the change which I so much dream of and would hope to make true one day.Here is another quote which I so much appreciate: “Volunteers don’t get paid, not because they are worthless, but because they are priceless,” – Sherry Anderson

Volunteering at the Emirates Airlines Literature Festival for 5 years has been such  a great learning experience. The best part was meeting different people from all walks of life, the foundation friends and the great students. I also got a chance to meet some great authors of very famous children books.

David Williams, the funniest guy who made me to not only read but to fall in love with the Gangsta granny.

Ali Sparkes, the writer who introduced me to some of the best funniest science fiction books frozen in time and destination earth are my favorite.

Kate Mosse, I loved the advice she gave during the creative writing session. “It does not matter where you come from, all that matters is that you wrote a good book.”

Francis Kong said exactly what I needed to hear at this point: “In order to succeed, be prepared to work for free”. #volunteer.

So here is a great opportunity to join a cool Namibian volunteering club. The Beehive Foundation Volunteers Club, a group of young Namibians who give their time and effort to different causes in order to help others in their communities.

Our aim is to dedicate ourselves to promoting collaborative opportunities. This volunteering club aims to create a database of volunteers across Namibia.

Should organisations be in need of volunteers they can contact the Beehive Foundation, and we will connect volunteers to the organisations in need of the volunteers in line with the volunteers cause interest.

The application process has been made so easy. Even interested volunteers who wish to become part of the club while in the rural areas can become a volunteer by assisting to solve social issues within their communities.

Here are some places which could make use of volunteers: Local libraries, Open Markets, Hospitals or Medical Centres, Community Arts Centres, School Districts, Political Campaigns, Animal Shelters and lots of other areas.

So let us connect, learn and innovate collectively as we make this country of ours and the world at large a beautiful place for all of us.

Wishing you a blessed festive season.

Be a Bee which makes a difference in this world during this beautiful season.

– Anelie is a communication practitioner and marketing assistant with a heart for community development. She is also an upcoming writer and an entrepreneur at the beehivegroup. Instagram: @beehivegroup