Thirty-one businesspeople from Omusati, Oshana, Ohangwena and Oshikoto are attending a one-day training session that is meant to sharpen their skills on the business aspect of costing and pricing.

The training which is being conducted at Ongwediva by the SME Compete was sponsored by the German Cooperation Deutsche Zusammernarbeit and being implemented by GIZ.

NCCI and Ongwediva Town Council are also providing technical support.

Some of the topics of the training include: “Introduction to Costing and Pricing”, “Pricing Methods”, “Pricing Strategies” and “Identifying and Determining Costs”.

The training presenter is SME Compete’s Ms Claudine Mouton, with Ms Salome Shidute and Ms Tuyenikelao Shatona as co-presenters.

In the photo: The participants of the training taking place at Ongwediva Annual Trade Fair Centre.
