
As a response to the recent tragic death of three children in South Africa who were said to have eaten a Top Score instant porridge, Namib Mills recalled all Top Score instant porridge products from the market while investigations are carried out to determine the real cause of the deaths.

In the meantime, Namib Mills, the manufacturer of Top Score instant porridge products says that anybody who has unconsumed Top Score instant porridge at home may return the product to the shop and claim a refund.

“If you want to return the product, you must comply with the store’s return/refund requirements where the product was purchased,” says Ms Marne Bouwer, the senior brand manager at Namib Mills.

“The product must still be closed, not used – no open packs or packs that’s already been used will be accepted by store/shop/outlet.

“You must provide your receipt, [that is to say you must] still have your receipt from the outlet where you’ve purchased the product in order to ask for a refund. This is the requirements from the outlets/shops.”

Bouwer adds that: “Consumers can also isolate the product until we are 100% sure that it is safe for use, no need to throw it away.

“We will inform consumers once we have all the test results and then they can use.”

In the photo: Some of the Top Score instant porridge products.