Northern Regional Electricity Distributor (NORED) has shown its commitment to the efforts to improve educational performance in the northern regions by spending as much as N$800,000 over the last two years for Grade 10 awards.

This was a result of the commitment made in 2017 to invest a total sum of N$40,000 per region per year for three consecutive years (2018-2020).

The amount covered the rewards of trophies and cash prizes for three Junior Secondary School (Grade 10) top performing learners per subject and one teacher per outstanding subject in English, Mathematics and Physical Science.

But because the National Junior Secondary Certificate (Grade 10) Examination has been phased out the remainder of the sponsorship will be transferred to the Eight Regional Education Development Funds.

“In spite of the change in curriculum, NORED remains committed to the “Friends of Education” initiative and in particular to the development of human capital,” said NORED’s CEO Mr Fillemon Nakashole.

“To this end, I am pleased to announce that NORED has resolved that the provision of the now defunct 2020 JSC prizes and awards will be redirected towards the Regional Education Development Funds of all eight Regional Education Directorates.”

Nakashole was speaking at the “sponsorship awards ceremony” event on 10 March 2020 where regional education directorates were invited to receive the word of NORED’s continued commitment to the initiative.

The beneficiary regions are the eight regions in which NORED operates, namely, Zambezi, Kavango East, Ohangwena, Oshana, Omusati, Oshikoto, Kunene and Kavango West.
