Happy New Year and welcome back!

By Muhindua Kaura |

I hope that you all have enjoyed a restful festive break and quality time with your loved ones.

As we usher into 2021, let me wish you and your families all the best for the New Year. I hope that 2021 and the future years bring you good health, peace of mind, happiness and enormous yields.

What has been achieved, so far, was only possible through the invaluable support from various stakeholders for which I am deeply grateful and appreciative.

I feel immensely proud of the manner in which our employees have come together in facing challenges from time to time, which included adverse market conditions, the invisible COVID-19 pandemic, the outbreak of locusts as well as the foot and mouth disease. This reinforced the great sense of pride I have in being a member of this team.

I am confident that we will continue to deliver on our mandate by improving and expanding on our service delivery and strengthen innovation in our product offering. To do that we will tirelessly continue engaging with our stakeholders to understand their needs.

I want to assure our stakeholders that our core values, aptly described as CAPFIT, have become the mantra of the way we do things at Agribank and embody our attitude of servitude. As we propel forward in 2021, we all will play a part in making the bank more resilient.

Our sincere wish for the New Year, 2021, is that Agribank will continue to grow from strength to strength and contribute towards Government’s expressed wish for food security as espoused in the Harambee Prosperity Plan and Vision 2030.

A happy 2021 to all.

… Muhindua Kaura is the Acting Chief Executive Officer of Agribank …
