
By Victor Angula |

An entrepreneurs association which is in the offing may come to shake things up a little in terms of transformation of the Namibian economy if the plans on paper, the intentions on the table and the words in the mouths of the founders are anything to go by.

Entrepreneurs disgruntled with the situation of the Namibian economy, pace of economic transformation and the economic inequality which has characterised Namibia since before 1990, have been meeting to strategise and find a better way to come up with an association which will represent the interests of business people, especially those who continue to be disadvantaged by lack of political support.

With some prominent names in the circles of business in Windhoek also in it, the idea of an “entrepreneurs association” may come to be seen as a reality sooner than later.

A new association of entrepreneurs will however be a slap in the face of the Namibia Chamber of Commerce and Industry (NCCI), which has been the lone voice of the business community in Namibia; although much of the new association’s success or failure will depend on the robust and radical nature of its leadership – or lack of it.

While directions do change depending on the weather or type of leadership in charge, the original idea of the association is said to be: “a strong, united and collective voice to seek redress regarding the role of banks in Namibia with specific reference to DBN, challenges facing entrepreneurs, engaging businesses that are in financial distress under the current economic climate and Covid-19, address issues regarding business foreclosure, repossessions, and  government interventions to be sought.”

A “strong, united and collective voice” of the business community, especially if that voice is loud enough to reverberate in the corridors of political power, may shake things up a little if the voice is collective enough to include the informal sector too.

Or else it will be just another hitting of the proverbial African drum, while the masters continue to eat.
