
By Martin Negumbo |

The Back to Sport Day on the Move tournament at Onelago Sports Field last weekend saw the triumph of Uzigo FC in the final where they overcame the mighty Mokasi FC by 3 goals to 1.

This made Uzigo to collect the overall prize of N$1500, one soccer ball, a set of socks, one whistle and a captain’s armband.

As consolation, Mokasi collected N$1000, one soccer ball, one whistle and a captain’s armband. Onelago United which came third overall in the tournament received N$500, one soccer ball, and one whistle; while in the fourth place was Shuumbwa FC who got N$300, one soccer ball and one whistle.

The tournament was made possible by local enterprises such as Omaalala Investment (Mr Tradie), Ubuntu Mining (Mr Mbango Marcio), Epuku Workshop (Mr Tintin), Village View Pub (Mr Nicky), Celebration Centre (Mr Kalimbo), Tulinghino cc (Mr Pires), and Nenez World Printing Shop (Mr Omfoo P. Kamati).

The Back to Sport on the Move tournament will next weekend take place at Amunganda Sports Field.

In the photo: Mokasi (in white) on the way to meet Uzigo in the final.